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April 01, 2007

Flowing with the GO...

I just spent 8 hours in the Vegas airport.
My early morning flight turned into the last flight of the day.
It happens, right. Travel snafus. It happens to everyone.
And it took me a few hours before I just surrendered and chose to make lemonade out of these lemons. And when I did something beautiful opened up for me.

I watched people all day long. People coming, people going. I saw people who couldn't make eye contact. And people who were staring too long. I saw a man who was leaned up against the wall outside of the bathroom and appeared to be hugging it for minutes on end. Arms stretched wide, faced pressed up against the tile. Then he'd turn around and smile a quirky smile. I couldn't tell if he was just off center of on something but either way he was amusing.

I saw a young woman burst into tears when told she didn't make the stand by list because she was going to be late to her first day of medical school tomorrow. All of my reasoning couldn't calm her down - I even offered up my seat to her but she disappeared into a crowded airport to find another flight back to her future in Ohio.

I cried myself at the ticket counter when I was told I'd have to wait 24 hours to take a one hour flight. I finally finagled a way onto a later flight and felt silly for crying but oh, well. There is something crazy about being in a jam packed airport when there are a lot of flight delays. It's slightly Lord of the Rings-ish but also very grounding. You get in touch with humanity. People you normally wouldn't have engaged with if your flight was on time.

So I flowed with the go tonight. And finally my go - went - and I landed back in LA after a lovely weekend visiting my friend Kenny. I apologize for the lapse in posting. I am attempting to be completely authentic in my life and some days I completely forget to post. I am always thinking of you, though...out there in the life, learning lessons, and maybe just a few of you...hugging bathroom walls!! :) LOL



Blogger this business of words said...

Airports have always fascinated me, but less so now that you have to get out past the security gates in order to see people interacting with their families after a long trip away.

I've seen amazing, gripping sensitivity to others. And I've seen the opposite of that too - the kind of offenses that boggle my mind, like asking someone walking with two canes and a leg brace to take the brace off and to put it and her two canes through the conveyor and to walk through the metal detector. She asked if they knew a secret, a way to heal her that for more than 30 years had not been found...

Travel. Airports. Going to. Going away from.

It only makes sense that getting stopped can be one of those quirky, unexpected moments where life is just life.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

That's an amazing story!!

And your last line struck me so -- sometimes life is just life and it's when we unexpectantly have to face it - that we really learn to live it.

8:54 AM  
Blogger this business of words said...

It would be a better story, I think, if it weren't my mom ;)

But I think a lot of the time we're all rushing around from here to there, one thing and another and another after that. And I've learned (after a lot of time trying) that slowing down is a good thing; when we don't slow down, we cannot really see.

2:27 PM  

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