Getting What You Deserve
That's why they don't get what they want"
If there's one thing that life has taught me lately, it's this:
You will only get as much as you think you deserve. It's just that simple,
but oftentimes just so difficult. If you don't think you deserve
wonderful things in life, you will always settle for less -
even when you've earned more.
How many times have you said to yourself: I'm too fat, I could never wear
a dress like that, or I'm not smart enough for that job? Maybe your problem
is not your body/brain/personality- maybe your self-image needs a check.
What a wonderful world it would be if we all had the self-respect to know
what we deserve and go for it. It seems to me that the root of all unkindness
is a lack of respect, and the most basic kind is the kind we have for ourselves.
Sometimes in our culture (especially for women), it's seen as selfish to know
what you want and act on it, but that is absolutely not the case - if you
have the heart to follow your own dreams, you will certainly
have some left over to share.
It's like the words of one outstanding go-getter, Marilyn Monroe
"We are all stars and we deserve to twinkle”. So ask for what you want.
Shine. Wear the red dress. Go for the job. Ask the guy out.
Encourage your gals to do the same. The only way you will get what
you deserve is by going for it.
Now, all that being said, when you decide to go after what you want, sometimes
life will let you down. Your efforts may fall through, your heart might get broken.
But if you know you deserve better, you will have the confidence to dust it off
and try something else - because there are always fabulous opportunities
waiting for fabulous women to take the chance.
Marie Hansen is 17 and will be a freshman at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
She plans on using her education to work with girls on self-esteem
and body image. Be sure to check out Marie's awesome new blog - The Fab Gal!
Many thanks to our guest blogger Marie Hansen!
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