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July 06, 2007


Take a peek at this thought provoking guest blog from Jamie Varon...

Jamie Varon is working as an intern at With Jess. She is committed to changing people’s perception of beauty in whatever way possible! Jamie loves to write and you can visit her blog at for more of her work.

In Psychology, the way most theories are founded are by examining people with extraordinary symptoms, brain damage, or other “defects.” Normalcy is hardly ever something that produces a significant result or any area of research to be further investigated.

It’s an interesting lesson to learn.

Things that religiously go with the “norm” are never going to make an impact. People that walk the path that is lined up for them are never going to make a difference. And people that forever stay entrenched to conventional and majority-held beliefs are never going to impact anything.

I’m sorry if this is harsh, but it really is true. Living a life of safety and comfort will never lead to something extraordinary. You must start from a place of uniqueness to ever be considered an individual. You must defy what you are “supposed” to be and become who you want to be. The people who swim against the tide are going to learn and grow, while the ones who don’t are just going to become washed up and bored.

I’ve always been one to root for the underdog, because for so much of my life, I felt like I was that person. I’ve always been one to look at a picture and see everything that no one else sees. I’ve always been one to hold a radical opinion. I’ve always been one to desire to be something that not everyone else is.

When teachers used to give us a list of topics to choose from to write a paper or do a report or something, I would always be the student that chose a topic not on that list. I don’t take creative writing classes because I want my own style. I don’t read scrapbooking magazines because I want to design my own things… not someone else’s creativity.

I hope you do the same. I hope that you rebel against conformity. There is much to learn from those who stray from the beaten path. Carve your own way… define yourself… and never ever be a carbon copy of anybody.


Blogger Kathy Janicki said...

As the saying goes; 'Pride goeth before the fall'...however, I have always prided myself for being different; a bit weird, quirky if you will. I have always felt that I would just blend into 'beige America' if I wasn't my own person.

This doesn't mean that I didn't (and still) struggle with my life and how it 'was supposed to be'. It is about 180 degrees away from what I wanted. It was with both happiness and sadness when I realized this.

However, I do try to find the beauty in every day. I do try to commit random acts of kindness (those are the absolute best!) and I do still want more for me.

Because, let's face it, it's you and God at the end of each day. And, if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

12:42 PM  

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