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May 27, 2007

Bad Girls

So by now you've probably heard the news, Ms. Lohan is arrested for DUI and they say cocaine was found in her crashed up vehicle. Not many people are surprised that yet another young superstar has gone the way of driving while intoxicated - putting others and themselves at serious risk. Ms. Hilton will be heading to prison soon to pay for her crime and Ms. Richie is up for her hearing soon - for those of you who forgot - she was arrested after driving the WRONG way on the freeway! Now it'd be too easy to just continue to dump on privileged and famous young women who no doubt have become more famous from all the dumping by the media that they endure. I'd rather like to introduce something into the argument that we don't often hear being covered on news outlets or gossip rags, quite frankly because it's not a good sound bite - and that my friends is compassion.

Now I say compassion and not forgiveness. I say compassion and not understanding. What these women have done by putting innocent lives at risk by driving while intoxicated is inexcusable. What I want to look at is how we as a society and a media treat young women in the media - building them up to tear them down, discussing every angle of their sexual exploits, many before they are even 18 years old. We put teenagers on the covers of magazines wearing nothing but a forced, rehearsed smile -- an immitation of what they believe to be a 'sexy woman'. We discuss their bodies as though they are common property and really any of our business. We count their calories and watch for when their thighs touch and then we criticize them until starvation. We are engaged in their demonic struggles with substance abuse - we love to see the pictures of them partying - buying up the photos of their trashed Saturday nights - disregarding that most of them are underage when we start to see them fuzzy headed and smiling pretty in the paparazzi photos.

We have an incredibly unhealthy relatinoship with celebrtiy in this culture and particularly young female celebrtiies. We can judge them all we want - but replace their photos and stories with the stories of another 19 year old in your life. Or a 22 year old. Or a 17 year old. See if you can recall those years of your life and how the person you were (or are) might react to the pressures placed upon you not juts by one or two people but by millions.

I live working one foot in Hollywood and one foot in the heartland of America. I know and have worked with some of the young women we read about in gossip magazines. I am just as confused nad conflicted by my love/hate relaitonship with celebrity. This weekend, watching another young women, clearing battling a drug/alchohol addiction in public get to the point where she is self-destructing and again endangering the lives of people in my community - just makes me heartbroken. When we do we stop short of supporting juicy headlines in favor of reaching out and helping a life? Lindsay Lohan will be 21 in July. Many would say she is old enough to live with her consequences. But let's not forget for one second that she is just like us. Minus the privilege and money - she is a young woman clearly lost and searching, sad and addicted, out of control and most likely praying for someone to help her.

Compassion not redemption. Compassion not allowance. Compassion not criticism.

Think about it.

May 21, 2007

Life and Death

Hi Everyone...

It's been a rough weekend...
My great aunt, Beaty passed away...and while she lived a long life it wasn't always easy. She was struck with Polio when she was a baby and never had the full use of her legs. She walked on crutches most of her life and then in her later years, she was struck by another bout of Polio and it paralyzed her from the neck down. So for many year she laid in bed all day with a very active mind but an inactive body.
But she was so much more than her disability.

She was a scientist, a great scrabble player, and a very loving woman who was a huge supporter in my life. She was an independent single woman long before the Sex and the City women made it so en vogue.

She loved watching political news shows and stimulating conversation. She was outspoken and bossy at times and adored my grandmother, her sister, with all her heart. My fondest memory of Beaty was sitting at her bedside with my grandma and talking about our family history. Really hearing their stories and absorbing their memories made me feel more connected to a time I couldn't imagine.

Anytime someone passes in our lives it reminds us of what we are living for. We must squeeze out all the energy in a day so that we are living fully and present! We must hug those we love and tell them we love them even if we think they already know. We must respect the journey of life, getting older, growing up, maturing, and looking back. And while we are on this journey we can't forget to fight for what we believe in, sing out loud as much as we can, and love with everything we've got.

I hope this finds you grateful for the life you have today.
I'd love to hear what you are grateful for...share the blessings!!


May 16, 2007

Ugly Betty GIVEAWAY!

Ok - so we all like free goodies, right??

Well, here at With Jess -- we are going to try doing an occasional give away to our beautiful blog readers! All it takes is some heart, some soul, and some writing skills! (Ok, well at least enough skills to post a blog entry) :)

Our first blog give away is an Ugly Betty/With Jess prize package for the person who can eloquently answer the following question in under 100 words:

"What have you learned about yourself by watching the show Ugly Betty?"

Two runner ups will also be awarded cool With Jess prizes. So here's what you do....send me a blog post with your thoughtful answer and make sure you include your name and e mail address so we can contact you when you win! We will choose winners next Wednesday the 23rd of May -- so hurry and tell your friends to enter, too!

Ooh, free prizes, thoughtful questions, and connecting with cool people...I LOVE my job!!


May 15, 2007

Hitting the road...AGAIN?!?

Yes, it's official. I am having a mad love affair with my luggage.
Once again, I will pack the goods and hit the road for another 2 week stint.
This time I am heading to my home state of Florida. Although I am worried about ol' FL, cause there are about 195 fires burning throughout the state. For a state usually plagued by Hurricanes - it is so bone dry that everything is burning. ;(

I will be in Orlando speaking at a conference and then doing some press for NBC's iVillage Live. We'll post air dates on the site so stay tuned...

Then I am off to Atlanta to see a young girl named Simmion graduate from high school. What is so extraordinary and special about this graduation is that I've known Simmion since she was about 9 years old. I've watched her grow up and mentored her through some pretty rough times. The things she has seen and been through I wish on no other human being. But Simmion or Pooh as we call her is a fighter. She is a gentle fighter. Strong to the core and always clear on a vision of success for herself. She will be the first in her family to graduate high school and go to college. She is literally shifting the entire family dynamic and being a superb role model to her younger brothers and sister. What I love most about Pooh is her heart. It is bold and big and never ceases to amaze me. I am proud to see this day arrive and you better believe I will be up on my feet at graduation - acting like the proud girl I am - hooting and hollering for her!!

If you thought about mentoring or becoming a big brother/big sister to someone - I highly recommend it. If you are fortunate enough in your life to share your gifts - do so - it makes you richer in spirit and experience. And with just a little time and some patience you can transform someone's life!

More soon,


PS Your stories about your mothers moved me deeply - even though mother's day has passed I am totally open to hearing more stories. Or you can share with me some of the people you have helped or mentored in your life. Let's pay it forward....

May 09, 2007

I'm Baaaaack

It's ridiculous how lazy I can be with this blog sometimes.
I totally realize that writing every day or every other day is the whole point of keeping a blog.
I am so sorry and I promise to work on being better with communicating through these pages....

A quick update:

- I just returned from a 2 week journey back east where I was lobbying in DC for Eating Disorders legislation and it was nothing short of AWESOME!! Check out -- if you care about the issue of eating disorders and want to see more money for treatment, research, and support for those who are struggling with this issue - join our friends and family council at the EDC and join us for the next lobby day in September!

- Our CosmoGirl! Mall tour was a smashing success! We'll be posting pix from each city soon and in the meantime, we'll be starting another Body/Soul Challenge this September in CosmoGirl! - so take a peek and join the challenge!

- Tell everyone you know to sign up for our Actionist Newsletter - we'll be announcing some fantastic news shortly and we will need all of you to begin spreading the word. Being Actionists means taking action in your everyday lives -- and many of you keep asking for ways to get involved....we're gonna tell you how to make an impact on the beauty and entertainment industry...soon!

- Make sure you take our with Jess survey on the website - it's your chance to speak your mind on the media, body image, plastic surgery, and the beauty industry!

Mother's Day is this weekend and I'd love to hear from all of you - what is the greatest lesson you've learned from your mother or grandmother/guardian? Let's celebrate the women in our lives that lead the way!!!

Big hugs,
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