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April 29, 2007

My Underwear RETURNS!!

It is a miracle but my two bags, once lost in Paris, have landed safely in LA!
I, of course, am traveling yet again - but when I get home I will reunite with my long lost undies!! :)

For anyone who has lost their luggage - you know what an out of control feeling it creates. The people on the other end of the baggage hot line number were full of misinformation and sometimes sounded like I was annoyingly interrupting their coffee break. But I am going to shift my grouchiness to gratitude now that my goodies are back.

Today I am in DC - gearing up for Lobby Day on the 1st.
And this afternoon I did something decadent -- I went to the spa and got all sorts of scrubs, rubs, and facials! Oooooh it was deeeeelicious! It was my first full Sunday off in quite some time so I soaked in my alone time and I feel so much more revitalized.

It reminded me to remind you to take some time for yourself! I know it's so much easier said than done...but man, when it is done - it feels SO good!!

I hope you all had a great weekend and we'll be chatting soon!


April 27, 2007

Quick Update

Hey Everybody,

Hope this finds you happy and taking action!!
It’s been such a busy month for me traveling around the world, and I’m not done yet! I’m off to Washington, DC next for a CosmoGirl event this weekend. And, while I’m out there, I’ll be participating in Lobby Day to support The Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC). Over 75 people who have been impacted by eating disorders are going to gather on Capital Hill and have individual lobbying meetings with their representatives to help send the message that eating disorders are a serious mental health issue and we NEED funding in our schools and hospitals to treat this issue and make treatment affordable for everyone. If you are interested in joining our lobbying efforts in the future – please go to!

After DC, I’m going to head over to New Jersey for another great CosmoGirl event. And, while I’m there, I’ll be participating in a For the Recovery and End of Eating Disorders (F.R.E.E.D) event. The F.R.E.E.D foundation is an amazing organization run by my friend Gail Schoenbach – and is dedicated to helping individuals and families afford treatment. As anyone who has been involved with the issue of eating disorders knows…it can be quite expensive to get the treatment you need, so Gail’s organization is a non-profit aimed at helping take the financial pressure off those who are seeking help. To learn more about F.R.E.E.D go to and if you are in the New Jersey area there is still time to come to the F.R.E.E.D fundraiser on Monday May 7th!

I feel blessed that I have the chance to see so many wonderful places and touch the lives of people along the way! And you can do your part, too – make sure you sign up for our Actionist newsletter to stay connected and stay in action!

I’ll be in touch soon my friends. Stay spirited in the mean time!

Love & Light,

April 24, 2007

My Underwear in Paris!

Bon Jour, Hola, Hi...

I have just returned from my European trip and had a brilliant time connecting with like-minded souls who are committed to transforming the self-esteem of women and girls worldwide! Bummer for me is that when I landed back at LAX I discovered that my luggage was nowhere to be found. Nada. Nope. Nowhere. It's been almost a week now and the airline still has no clue where it is. I originally flew from Mallorca to Barcelona to Paris then to LA. My flight was late from Mallorca and I had little time to hop the flight to Paris from Barcelona...and so I knew in my gut the luggage wouldn't get there. But I did hope I would see it a day or so later. No such luck. And I can't say the airlines are particularly helpful in this area - especially when you land stateside and are trying to deal with international baggage claim - good luck! This whole experience is really testing my attachment to material items and can I just tell you - I am TOTALLY attached! I miss my cute black boots and new black dress that I had altered just for my European events....and of course there is the cute necklace I bought my mama for her birthday that I packed away that she most likely will never see! But in the end - they are just things and the real important part is that I am home safe and sound and back connecting with my amazing family and friends. That's what is truly irreplaceable! lovelies...what has been going on with you? I hope to see you at my next mall event in NJ or DC...I leave to go back on the road again this Friday but this time I am packing all my precious cargo in a carry on bag! :)

April 15, 2007

Greetings from Majorca, Spain!

Hi Everyone --

I am writing to you from the sometimes windy/sometimes rainy coast of Majorca, Spain!
I am on the last leg of my European journey and I am LOVING it.
Spent a few days in London and zoomed from meeting to meeting. Had a ball!
What I do with regard to being a teen advice columnist, speaker, self-esteem expert, was very well received by some TV stations over in the UK - so there is a sweet chance my message will be hopping the pond very soon! Of course, I'll keep you posted!

Am now relaxing in a beautiful room at this resort in Majorca - my room overlooks a bluff straight down the ocean - gorgeous! Only wish is that it was 80 degrees and not 60 - cause I'd be out there in my swimsuit before you could finish reading this sentence. But alas, the yucky weather is giving me time to send you all a little post!

I am about to commence on a mall tour for CosmoGirl! Magazine -- we begin April 21st in LA and then hit DC on April 28th and NJ on May 5th. If you have been promising to come hear me speak - now's your chance to mix shopping and inspiration by visiting me at the mall!! I will do 2 "Inner Style" sessions per appearance, plus we have book give aways and much more. I am a apart of a larger sponsored event by St. Ives, Secret, and CG of course! For more info - go to the appearance calander on our website. It's FREE and you can bring as many people as you want - so I hope to see you there!!

Let me know how things are going with you -- and if you keep stopping by but aren't posting yet -- come on, don't be shy....I know the fabulous people on our site would LOVE to hear from you!!


April 04, 2007

Europe here I come...

Sorry I've been so lazy in posting lately...I am gearing up for a cool trip to Europe next week and my mind's been on a zillion things. I will be gone for about 2 weeks and I'm not clear yet on how much posting I am going to do while traveling -- but I will do my best to fill you in on this adventure. I will be going to London and Mallorca and I can't wait!!!!!

I have not yet navigated a foreign country on my own -- I've only gone with friends or through school - so I am psyched to see how I handle it all. I am determined to combine my work with play!!

So tell me what's been going on with you guys? Good week? What are you learning? Experiencing? New thoughts? Old thoughts? Silly thoughts?

I'm game....


April 01, 2007

Flowing with the GO...

I just spent 8 hours in the Vegas airport.
My early morning flight turned into the last flight of the day.
It happens, right. Travel snafus. It happens to everyone.
And it took me a few hours before I just surrendered and chose to make lemonade out of these lemons. And when I did something beautiful opened up for me.

I watched people all day long. People coming, people going. I saw people who couldn't make eye contact. And people who were staring too long. I saw a man who was leaned up against the wall outside of the bathroom and appeared to be hugging it for minutes on end. Arms stretched wide, faced pressed up against the tile. Then he'd turn around and smile a quirky smile. I couldn't tell if he was just off center of on something but either way he was amusing.

I saw a young woman burst into tears when told she didn't make the stand by list because she was going to be late to her first day of medical school tomorrow. All of my reasoning couldn't calm her down - I even offered up my seat to her but she disappeared into a crowded airport to find another flight back to her future in Ohio.

I cried myself at the ticket counter when I was told I'd have to wait 24 hours to take a one hour flight. I finally finagled a way onto a later flight and felt silly for crying but oh, well. There is something crazy about being in a jam packed airport when there are a lot of flight delays. It's slightly Lord of the Rings-ish but also very grounding. You get in touch with humanity. People you normally wouldn't have engaged with if your flight was on time.

So I flowed with the go tonight. And finally my go - went - and I landed back in LA after a lovely weekend visiting my friend Kenny. I apologize for the lapse in posting. I am attempting to be completely authentic in my life and some days I completely forget to post. I am always thinking of you, though...out there in the life, learning lessons, and maybe just a few of you...hugging bathroom walls!! :) LOL

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